Rapid 7 - Rapid7 Extends AWS Support to Include Coverage for Newly-Launched Resource Control Policies (RCPs)
In today’s cloud-first world, security and innovation go hand-in-hand. Rapid7 is excited to announce our support for Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) new Resource Control Policies (RCPs), a powerful tool designed to bolster security controls for organizations using AWS infrastructure. As a launch partner for this feature, Rapid7’s Exposure Command now extends its capabilities even further, helping organizations set precise, scalable guardrails within their AWS environments. The need for strong guardrails in the Ciscloud Cloud platforms like AWS have transformed business agility by enabling rapid development, fast deployments, and real-time scalability. Yet, as organizations increase their reliance on cloud infrastructure, they face a heightened risk landscape. Rapid development cycles and AI-driven cloud services often result in more identities, permissions, and resources—all of which can lead to excessive access and increased risk. The need for stringent guardrails has never been more