I’ve never actually seen the 2000 romantic drama Pay It Forward , but the movie’s core idea has stayed with me since I first heard of it: The best way to repay a favor or good deed is to do one for someone else. You ‘pay it forward,’ and ask that person to do likewise, creating an expanding web of positivity and goodwill. Cliche as it may sound, it’s served me well over my career. I’ve had many roles over the past 20 years, starting as a junior engineer and progressing into management. My own mentors and coaches shaped my experiences along the way, contributing to that growth. In return, I try to do the same for others. Mentorship vs. coaching I want to briefly look at ‘mentorship’ versus ‘coaching,’ as they are often conflated. There is certainly overlap, but the approach and impetus differs. Mentorship involves dedicated guidance and support over time. The mentee drives the relationship, the ultimate goal, and the current focus. The mentor maps a path to the goal, and of...